Saturday 6 June 2015

it doesn't get easier! You get better!

I'm sure for everyone, there's been that point in life when you thought "omg, I'm never going to be able to do this" and now looking back to that thing, your doing it with so much ease now and even wonder what you were thinking all those other times you thought you couldn't handle it.
   Anyways, have you wondered if it really did get easier or you just got better at it!?
For the majority of humans I know, they don't exactly like to give themselves credit for the things they do so a lot of people will resort to the first option being that it got easier but majority and if not most of the time, you actually get better!! :)
Give yourself a pat on the back for me.
   There's absolutely nothing wrong In appreciating yourself for something amazing that you did, weather or not someone noticed it. #selflove is the absolute best thing in the world!
Sadly, there is actually a very very thin line between confidence and cocky, it's very okay, in fact very advisable to be absolutely confident, it actually has an effect on the way you carry yourself, but you have to be absolutely careful not to get too confident which gets into cocky, we don't want to feel that way trust me.
   The new job you just started, and that new course you started doing that seems a lot easier or maybe not as bad when you started was as a result of YOU getting better! It actually didn't get easier!!!
Cut yourself some slack and celebrate you!!! And just to encourage all you out there who just started something new, or maybe thinking of something and at the same time thinking "it's going to be so hard". Why not leap out and see! Equate the fear stopping you from reaching out to the drive you have within you and watch it cancel out that fear!.

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